Wednesday, September 12, 2012

The Jazz Age

In 10th grade during my American studies class we had a day dedicated to the Jazz Age where we all dressed up as flappers and did the Charleston in class. This was the closest I ever came to really experiencing the 1920's, clearly, as I was born in 1992. I do not remember much of the jazz age history from 10th grade, so I did have to do a little research on the Internet before writing this blog. It is accepted that the birth of jazz came about by the African American culture, but became widely accepted by everyone during the Great Depression when jazz was played in speakeasies, where all classes came together to escape. Jazz grew rapidly due to its' free and wild style and its opposition to earlier music that was very composed and strict. The youth of the 20's used jazz as a way to rebel against the older generations. They used jazz as a form of escapism during the time of the Great Depression and prohibition. The Great Gatsby by F. Scott Fitzgerald is an incredible book that tells a story of a wealthy man and his struggles and successes during the 1920's. The incredible Baz Luhrmann is coming out with a new movie rendition of The Great Gatsby, which is sure to be nothing short of amazing. The trailer is at the top, although I request reading the book before seeing the movie.

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