Wednesday, September 5, 2012

About me

Hello, my name is Chelsey Keenan. I'm a sophomore at UT, and I'm 19 years old, but will be 20 on November 18th. I'm from the suburbs outside of Philadelphia called Huntingdon Valley, it's very small and not diverse at all. I came to UT to have a more diverse college experience, but I still wanted to maintain the small classroom and small school lifestyle, which is why UT was a perfect fit for me. I'm an Advertising and Public Relations major, but more on the Advertising side. I have a passion for creativity and having a wide and vivid imagination. I love art, but after taking figure drawing my first semester here at UT, I've discovered that I am not really into figure drawing and the more fine art side, which is why I switched my major from Graphic Design. I want to be a part of the creative department in the advertising world rather than the art department. When I was in class the first day I was really excited after I left. The art that will be shown and focused on is the type of art that I really enjoy. I enjoy looking at art from the early eras, but I am fascinated by modern art, and I really hope and know that we will explore that further. When you had mentioned the Tate Modern Museum in London, I instantly knew that I was going to enjoy this class because that is my all-time favorite museum that I have ever been to. I am planning to study abroad in London, and also planning to visit the Tate many times. Out of the rest of the class I also expect to gain an enormous amount of knowledge about art throughout the ages and, of course, how technology has influenced it. I do not think I will be shocked by much of the art that will be shown, as I have suffered through a semester of figure drawing already, and not much is shocking to me anymore.

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