Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Bauhaus and HIMYM

Bauhaus was a fine arts school in Germany, known for its teaching of design. The Bauhaus school was not originally built as a school for architecture. The original mission behind the Bauhaus school was to create a total piece of art, including crafting, fine arts, and architecture. Bauhaus style was really popular during the modern art era, including modern design and modern architecture. When Germany was defeated in WWI, there was a great burst of radicalism and experimentation that artists developed and evolved. Bauhaus was influenced and inspired by this experimentation. The most influential part of the past on Bauhaus was modernism though. It turned simplicity into art. The architecture put out by the  school of Bauhaus include different buildings, but also functional things such as chairs and cabinetry. The school of Bauhaus has a big impact on trends in building in Europe, building simple, square, plain, but complex buildings. Now that we're past the boring informational part of Bauhaus, I think it's very funny some impact Bauhaus has had on media. I think Bauhaus trend has influenced the Western World's stereotype on Eastern artists. Perfect example, in How I Met Your Mother, there is an episode about building a new headquarter for Goliath National Bank, and they bring in European architectures called, "Sven". They are very mod and they come up with crazy ideas for buildings. It reminded me a lot of the modernism and European vibe of Bauhaus.

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