Tuesday, December 4, 2012


I think that it is absolutely absurd what is being done with Miku Hatsuni. I think it says a lot about the music industry and the people that listen to music. Not only that the voice is completely produced inside of a computer and is not at all the voice of a human being, but also that people will pay money to see this hologram. They might as well pay to sit in front of their computer screen and watch Youtube. I think the technology is really cool, but I don't think that it should be used to this extent to take money from people. At least with bands such as the Gorillaz, they played at their concerts live, but just did not want to be seen. I can see where they are coming from and can respect that they want part of their lives to be private. They are still giving out real music and a real show to the world, but keeping their faces free of any judgement. Miku Hatsuni is just crazy. Although I feel as if this will start happening a lot more often now and in the future. It has already started when a hologram of Tupac was shown at Coachella music festival. They pretty much brought a guy back from the dead to make him "perform". The technology is interesting and new, but I don't think it's being used with the correct intentions. Apparently as of 2007, Miku has made over 57,500,000 yen. Which is over $700,000. 

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